January 4 – Our Lady of Roses (Italy, 1418) – Saint Angela of Foligno (1248-1309) – Blessed Manuel Gonzalez Garcia (1877-1940)

Let your work be to love

One day I was at Mass. At the moment of the elevation, when the faithful were kneeling, I was ravished in spirit. The Virgin appeared to me and said: "My daughter, God’s beloved and mine, my Son has already come to you, and you have received his blessing."

She made me understand that her Son was on the altar after the consecration of the host. I heard what I had never heard; I heard that it was a new joy. Indeed, the joy that resulted from the words I heard was such, that if someone asked me, "Can a creature express it in words?" I would answer, "I do not think so."

The Virgin spoke with great humility, and deposed in my soul a new feeling of an unknown sweetness ... The Virgin Mary added: "After the visit and the blessing of the Son, it is fitting that you receive that of the Mother. Be blessed by my Son and by me. Let your work be to love in all the measure of your powers, because you are much loved ..." I then learned that, to set a soul afire, there is no firelighter like the presence of Christ.

Saint Angela of Foligno


Book of Visions and Instructions, Chapter 39: Mary


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