February 27 - Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (d. 1862)

The memory of Mary did not leave him, even during his sleep

Brother Gabriele dell'Addolorata (St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows) was the name in religion of Francis Possenti. From an early age, he professed an ardent devotion to the Blessed Virgin, and at 18 he entered the Passionists. Because he so loved the Blessed Virgin, he asked to be named after Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows. He lived a holy life as a religious, and died as a predestined soul on February 27, 1862, in Isola del Gran Sasso, at the age of 24, after only six years of religious life.

Gabriel constantly strived towards an intimate union with his Mother of Heaven. He would never lose sight of Mary, even as he slept, often seeing the Mother of God in his dreams.

A few moments before he breathed his last, he asked for the image of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows. He first covered it with kisses, then placed it on his heart. Suddenly his face brightened up with a celestial smile, just as he gave up his soul. He was canonized in 1920. His shrine in Isola del Gran Sasso is visited every year by two million pilgrims. Pius XI extended his feast in 1932 to the whole of the universal Church

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