February 22 – Blessed Isabella of France (d. 1270), foundress of a convent dedicated to the "Humility of Our Lady"

Mary full of grace

In the greeting of the Angel, Mary is called “full of grace.” In Greek, the term “grace,” charis, has the same linguistic root as the word “joy.” In this term too the source of Mary’s exultation is further clarified: her joy comes from grace, that is, from being in communion with God, from having such a vital connection with him, from being the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, totally fashioned by God’s action.

Mary is the creature who opened the door to her Creator in a special way, placing herself in his hands without reserve… And she submitted freely to the word received, to the divine will in the obedience of faith.

The Evangelist Luke tells Mary’s story by aligning it closely to the history of Abraham. Just as the great Patriarch is the father of believers who responded to God’s call to leave the land in which he lived, to leave behind all that guaranteed his security in order to start out on the journey to an unknown land, assured only in the divine promise, so Mary trusts implicitly in the word that the messenger of God has announced to her, and becomes the model and Mother of all believers.

Pope Benedict XVI

General Audience of December 19, 2012


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