February 6 – Mater Pietatis (Italy) – Death of Marthe Robin, a French mystic (d. 1981)

Belonging wholly to Jesus, through Mary

  • My motto is: Wholly to Jesus through Mary, Mediatrix of all graces.
  • What is more essential? God has given us Jesus through Mary, so we must go to Mary to reach Jesus. Jesus is very pleased when we love his tender Mother tenderly and faithfully.
  • This beloved Mother has been more than a star to me: she is a beacon before my steps.
  • The soul united to Mary advances to the heights of perfection each day. What an example of inner life we can draw from the life of Mary's soul! Mary is the omnipotent and merciful Mediatrix who watches after her dearest children and poor sinners with tender love—for she also loves the child of her sorrows.
  • It is through Mary and with Mary and in Mary that I will go to Jesus and belong wholly to Him. If we only knew the delightful and intimate union felt and enjoyed by the souls who live in the company of the divine Mother of Jesus, our Mother!

Marthe Robin (1902-1981)

Taken from her meditations

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