December 31 – Saint Mary Odigitria (Italy) – Death of St Catherine Labouré (1876)

Entering the new year with Our Lady (I)

"Tomorrow, January 1st, the Church celebrates the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. I find it a very beautiful thing to enter a new year with Our Lady. Mary invites us to start the year with trust and vigilance.

Mary faced the future with trust. A true daughter of Israel, she had faith in the Lord and knew that God always kept his promises. She lived in his presence… She let herself be guided by Him. Her life was not always the life of a dream… She sometimes felt a sword of suffering pierce her. But she never let go of God's hand. As her cousin Elizabeth said, Mary is "the one who believed in the words spoken to her by the Lord" (Lk 1:45). Mary's trust is contagious. With her, we can really learn how to trust.

Trust is not the same thing as optimism. Optimism is rooted in the human person. It is a matter of temperament or analysis of a situation. Trust on the other hand is rooted in God. It is a fruit of the Spirit ... Trust is born of faith in God. It knows that God is with us and guides us if we entrust our life to him. As Saint Paul says: "All things work for the good of those who love God" (Rom 8:28). Trust is abandoning ourselves into the hands of God. It drives away fear. It is a source of great inner freedom. It gives rise to unsuspected potentialities in us. Let us enter this new year with trust!"

+ Jean-Pierre cardinal RICARD

Archbishop of Bordeaux (France)

Homily of December 31, 2014

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