December 18 – Feast of the Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (654) established at the Council of Toledo in 656

During this Advent season, "Walk with Mary"

As Saint John Paul II said, “Walk with Mary. Walk with Mary. May the echo of her fiat resonate in your hearts. That is what I wish for all of you during this time of Advent.”

In order to prepare ourselves to welcome the Messiah—with Mary—into our lives, first of all we need to realize that she herself was prepared to fully and freely welcome her vocation in the heart of God's eternal plan, expressed in God’s first wish for man: that mankind may live in the intimacy of his eternal glory.

This eternal will of God was expressly contained in Jesus’ great prayer, and is at the heart of it: "Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world." (John 17:24).

Mary fully participates in this plan of God, and each one of us is also called to participate in this eternal purpose of the Father. 

Father Pierre Le Bourgeois

November 28, 2009

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