In a recent issue of Famille Chrétienne (a French Catholic magazine), Juliette Duvivier published a little fable for the feast of Mary Refuge of Sinners:
"Saint Peter was baffled. Several times already he had noticed souls who had managed to enter Paradise without going through him. There must be a flaw in his security system, he thought, or else those souls had had inside accomplices.
He had to get to the bottom of the matter. Assisted by the archangel Michael who was in charge of security, he decided to carry out a thorough inspection of the Kingdom’s ramparts. Finally, standing in the shadow of a tower, they came upon an unusual scene: they found Mary sitting on the top of the rampart, busy fishing!
Attached to the line of her fishing rod was a rosary. Word of a fisherman! St Peter had never seen this kind of bait! Mary was leisurely pulling up the souls that clung to it and passed them to her Son, who sat next to her and sneaked them into Paradise one by one ... The scene was a perfect reenactment of the miraculous catch of fish!"
Today let’s start reciting a few Hail Marys for sinners.
Juliette Duvivier in Famille Chrétienne #1655
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