April 29 – Our Lady of La Ghiara (Italy, 1596)

Who cured her deafness?

A 6-year-old deaf Italian girl has inexplicably been able to hear without hearing aids since May 11, 2016, during a pilgrimage to Lourdes. Before that date, she was deaf in both ears and had to wear hearing aids. But last Wednesday, she took them off, testified Giuseppe Secondi, president of Unitalsi sub-section of South-West Milan and director of the pilgrimage.

"It was 8:30 pm, and we were playing with the little girl," he said. "I told her I could not play with her anymore, because I had an appointment. She went to her mother and I saw her remove her hearing aids. When her mother asked her to reinsert them, she replied, 'I can hear well, I don’t need them anymore.'

The mother immediately took her daughter to the office of Medical Observations of Lourdes. The girl, born premature at only 26 weeks, weighed only 800 grams at birth. She had stayed three months at the Gaslini Pediatric Institute in Genoa. The doctors were able to save her, but medications caused bleeding in the brain that damaged her auditory tubes. Later examinations confirmed that she was totally deaf in both ears.

Marina Droujinina

May 18, 2016 Zenit.org

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