April 28 - Saint Louis de Montfort

“I myself found reading this book a great help.”

"St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort wrote the Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin at the beginning of the 1700s, but the manuscript remained practically unknown for more than a century. When, almost by chance, it was at last discovered in 1842 and published in 1843, the work was an instant success, proving extraordinarily effective in spreading the "true devotion" to the Most Holy Virgin. I myself, in the years of my youth, found reading this book a great help... At one point I had feared that if my devotion to Mary became too great, it might end up compromising the supremacy of the worship owed to Christ. Under the wise guidance of St Louis Marie, I realized that if one lives the mystery of Mary in Christ this risk does not exist… Throughout its history, the People of God has experienced this gift of the crucified Jesus: the gift of his Mother, just as his disciple John did on Calvary."

Pope Saint John Paul II

Taken from André Frossard’s conversations with John Paul II, "Do not be afraid!" 1982

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