The Institute for the Family in Europe (LIFE) helps couples and individuals who encounter difficulties of all kinds. Through the Louis and Zélie Martin Programs, the Institute offers concrete help and takes care of certain conflicting or complicated situations.
For this purpose, the Institute published a first book in November 2016, which received very positive reviews: Marie qui refait les couples (Mary Who Rebuilds Couples). This little book contains a novena to Mary, some litanies and practical exercises. It helps us to entrust the struggles we face to the Virgin. The novena to "Mary who Rebuilds Couples" gives us a chance to raise the sensitive subject of married life with Our Lady. Tackling these issues without her can be doomed to failure because they are so complex.
This little book provides the ideal support when we don’t know where to begin. We just have to turn to Mary and say: "O Mary, we turn to you because we need your help. Every day, we struggle to find the way to grow in our love. Humbly and on our knees, we come to you with empty hands: come and fill them with what we need for today."
Novena to Mary Who Rebuilds Couples