April 2 – Our Lady of the Way (Leon, Spain)

It is good to know what She said “no” to (I)

In our relationship with Mary and to better understand the value of her "yes," it is good to know what she said “no” to.

She said “no” to anything that wasn’t in line with the will of God or did not fit into His plan. Realizing that she had been chosen to be the mother of God, she did not ask for anything in return. She simply accepted it. She said “no” to vanity. She recognized herself as a mere servant of the Lord.

She did not boast about her mission and her baby. She did not tell Joseph, not even to protect herself. She said “no” to egocentrism. When the angel spoke to her of Elizabeth, in spite of her condition she immediately went to her bedside.

She said “no” to any preferential treatment. When she heard the good news of her pregnancy, she could have asked God for some help from the angels. But she never expected the slightest favor from God. She adjusted herself to His decisions and endured what was painful to bear. From the beginning, she gave her child to others - to the shepherds, to the magi, to the whole world.

Excerpt from an article adapted from a text by Alejandra María Sosa Elízaga, for the Archdiocese of Mexico (SIAMO) and taken from the Spanish edition of Aleteia 

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