November 28 - Saint Catherine Labouré (d. 1876) – Our Lady of Kibeho (Rwanda, 1981)

A unique case in all of history

A unique case in all of history is the fact that the coming of a Savior Messiah was expected in Israel, on account of so many prophecies!

When she was a child, Mary was waiting, in the midst of her people Israel, for the coming of the Messiah, who had not been announced by just one prophet, but by a long line of men, predicting and completing their prophecies, one after the other over several centuries.

Mary was waiting at the heart of a small nation, buffeted by history, which had survived confrontations with neighboring empires and eventually became the only nation to survive the dissolution of the ancient world, keeping its identity intact, and always holding on to the unwavering certainty of being the instrument of an eternal destiny, as large as the world itself.

The many prophecies surrounding the arrival of the Messiah trace a surprisingly accurate portrait of the Expected One, His birth, life, death, mission and fate, as it was imagined by Christ’s contemporaries and recognized by the Christians who followed Jesus.

The "Foi Chrétienne" (Christian Faith) Team

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