November 13 – Our Lady of Nanteuil (France) – Our Lady of Siponto (Italy, 5th century)

The Miraculous Medal saves a child

A young mother was living in a French town with her two children, aged 6 and 8. The oldest was suffering from convulsions, and died within a few days. When the other child showed signs of having contracted the same illness, the poor mother was beside herself with grief, until someone gave her a Miraculous Medal, which she received enthusiastically. That very night, she placed the medal on the dying child, who soon fell asleep, without waking up all night. The next morning the child had completely recovered.

This good woman then came to ask for some medals for herself and other people. Ah, I wish you could have seen her exclaim, in all simplicity, the happiness of her soul, as she wept for joy! I will never forget it.

Father Stéphane Guédon

Extraordinary Graces Obtained through Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in Le Messager de l'Immaculée (The Immaculate’s Messenger), May 2008 issue

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