Novembre 11 - Paul VI declares Mary "Mother of the Church" (1964)

It will be necessary to make many more Scapulars

On Saturday, November 11, 1876, the Blessed Virgin appeared for the 14th time to Estelle Faguette, a young woman who lived in the village of Pellevoisin (Berry region, France). The following is an excerpt from the story of those apparitions:

‘When she came, she looked as usual; her arms were stretched out and she wore the Scapular. How beautiful it is, and how prominent it appears on her chest! At first she remained silent for some time. Then she looked at me, and told me something for myself alone. She also said to me: "You have not wasted your time today; you have worked for me." (I had made a Scapular.) She smiled and added: "It will be necessary to make many more Scapulars." She paused for some time and afterwards became somewhat sad, and said to me: "Courage." Then she disappeared, crossing her hands upon her chest.’ 

Excerpt from the story of the fifteen apparitions by Estelle Faguette

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