December 20 – Our Lady of Folgoët (France)

They left because of her; 30 years later she got a surprise

Joseph made frequent stops towards the end of the trip, because the Blessed Virgin was increasingly tired. Seven leagues from Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph asked a shepherd for his hospitality, and the man was perfectly kind to them. He arranged for them to have a convenient room and took care of their donkey.

A servant washed Joseph's feet and gave him a clean set of clothes while his own clothes were being washed. A woman did the same for the Blessed Virgin. After having taken their meal, they rested.

The mistress of the house kept to herself... She had noticed with jealous eyes the beauty of the Blessed Virgin. Fearing, moreover, that Mary would ask to stay at her house to deliver her baby, she did not appear in the morning and, by this rude behavior, caused the Holy Family to leave the very next day.

It was the blind woman with a crooked back whom Jesus found 30 years later in the same house, and healed, after exhorting her to be less vain and more hospitable.

Anne Catherine Emmerich

Visions, Vol.1, Chapter VII, Pierre Téqui Publisher 

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