October 12 - Our Lady of the Pillar (Spain, 40 A.D.)

Nuestra Senora del Pilar (II)

The chapel that the Blessed Virgin requested was soon built over the place of the apparition but was eventually destroyed, as were several of the succeeding replacements. The pillar survived, as did the ancient statue that had been placed upon it. In fact, the statue survived the invasions of various conquerors: the Romans, Goths, Moors, Muslims and Vandals. Our Lady of the Pillar has likewise witnessed the invasion of more peaceful throngs including prayerful pilgrims, all the kings of Spain, Queen Blanca de Navarra in 1433, and numerous Saints including St Teresa of Avila, St John of the Cross and St Ignatius of Loyola. The present day church dates from the seventeenth century.

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