October 10 - Our Lady of the Cloister (Citeaux, France, 1624)

The Messenger of the Mother of God (III)

During this conversation in low voices, the child fell asleep and slept quietly in his cradle. The doctor declared that the child was out of danger and that there was no longer any reason to worry. While he was preparing to leave, the child's parents asked how much they owed the doctor for saving their child. The generous doctor answered, "Absolutely nothing! The honor of being the messenger of the Mother of God amply compensates for this animated night. But now, driver, quickly take me home!" Upon arrival to his home, Dr. Granpas asked in his turn what he owed. "Doctor," answered the driver, "the joy taking the messenger of the Mother of God home is enough pay for me. Be sure that my wife will pray to the Blessed Virgin for you every day to pay back our debt of gratitude." At later dates, the good doctor returned several times to see the little child whose life he had saved that night in such an unexpected way. And every year, he accepted a bouquet of flowers in testimony of his parents' gratitude.

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