November 10 - Our Lady of Loreto (1552)

She is a Sign of Sure Hope and Comfort (II)

You, Mary, who at Pentecost, together with the Apostles in prayer, called upon the gift of the Holy Spirit for the newborn Church, help us to persevere in the faithful following of Christ. To you, a "sign of sure hope and comfort," we trustfully turn our gaze "until the day of the Lord shall come" (Lumen Gentium, #68). You, Mary, are invoked with the insistent prayer of the faithful throughout the world so that you, exalted above all the angels and saints, will intercede before your Son for us, "until all families of peoples, whether they are honored with the title of Christian or whether they still do not know the Savior, may be happily gathered together in peace and harmony into one People of God, for the glory of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity" (ibid., n. 69). Amen.

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