According to popular legend, a mysterious bright light prompted the discovery in 1676 of a badly damaged statue under a pile of rubbish. A luminous display continued to radiate from the statue after its restoration, and many favors were granted to people who asked for the intercession of Nuestra Señora de la Luz. Many are the wonders which this sacred image has worked. For instance, in the early days of its veneration, a thief tried to rob the crown and jewels off the statue. The thief later confessed that when he tried to take the crown, the sacred image turned away her sovereign face without letting him despoil her of her crown. Neither was he able to leave the chapel until, on the following day, when he was discovered by a certain Aguirre, who had him strangled to death. The thief's body was set out as an example and warning at the entrance of the bridge. The statue of Our Lady is one of great beauty. Holding the Child Jesus on her left arm, she holds a leafy branch in her right hand. Her head leans slightly toward the Child, a position caused, they say, when she recoiled from the thief who attempted to steal her crown. Other wonders are so common and so frequent through the favor of Her Majesty for the succor and patronage of the city of Salvatierra, that everyone can testify to them.
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