July 6 - Tears and Messages to Sister Agnes Sasagawa (Akita, Japan, recognized by Bishop Shojiro Ito in 1984)

Fight Against Death With a Hail Mary (I)

In the year 1958, we lived in a poor working suburb. Life was miserable for everyone and the second halves of the month were especially hard. On the evening of July 12th sadness came into my own home. I had put my two little girls to bed: Jeannine, 28 months, was already asleep, but Suzy, 17 months, in spite of the late hour, had not yet fallen to sleep. She was agitated... and suddenly the drama happened. My little girl went into convulsions. Her tiny body became stiff and unrecognizable. She no longer looked like a human being. What was I to do? ... I called the doctor, who saw at once the gravity of the case and spent the entire night with us, trying to use, without success, all the resources of medical science. I thought of asking the Blessed Virgin for help, but I did not dare. I had been such a blasphemer! In fact, I belonged to a sect that prohibited us to honor Mary, forbid us to make the sign of the cross and to enter a Catholic church. However, I had spent a year as a girl in a parochial school where I had learned some elements of religion. But, I was so little enlightened; I still wondered where the truth was. I addressed God, "My God, You made the earth and the sky; I only know only one prayer for the dying. It is "Hail Mary". Am I wrong to ask the One that Catholics call the Virgin for help? Have mercy on us Lord! ..."

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