August 25 - Our Lady of Rossano (Calabria, Italy)

Jesus Teaches Us to Love His Mother (II)

The Mother herself shows what great sorrow she felt, caused by the highest virtue, when she says, "We have been looking for you in sorrow" (Lk 2:48). She includes Saint Joseph and, like a humble person, put him ahead of herself, saying "Your father and I" (ibid.). Although the most holy Virgin did not need to be tested by such [trials], since from the moment God was conceived she was filled with the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit, nevertheless, the boy Jesus acted towards her thus, so that the life of both the Mother and the Son would serve as an aid and example for us. She showed us how much the soul progresses in such a sorrowful experience, because of the absence of the beloved and the soul's anxious search for him.

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