August 20 - Saint Bernard of Clairvaux - Doctor of the Church (d. 1153)

Full of Heavenly Dew

Now, O Mother of Mercy, the moon, humbly prostrate at your feet, devoutly implores you, her Mediatrix with the Sun of justice, begging you by the most sincere feeling of her heart that in your light she might see light and merit the grace of your Son by your procuring. For he truly loves you more than all others and has adorned you, dressing you in a robe of glory (cf. Sir 6:31) and placing a crown of beauty on your head (cf. Ezek 16:12). You are full of graces (cf. Lk 1:28), full of heavenly dew, resting upon your beloved's shoulder, sated with delight (cf. Song 8/5).

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