On September 16, 1948, in Lipa, Teresita witnessed another apparition. The Virgin showed her the exact spot where she wanted the statue to be placed and asked that the chaplain be informed that it should look like the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes. She also wanted the Mother Superior to recite the rosary at the place of apparitions over the next days. The Virgin blessed Teresita and disappeared. Teresita saw the Virgin again the next few days; she advised her to practice humility and obedience. She recommended that the whole community practice simplicity and humility, as these were her favorite virtues. The Virgin asked that each sister be consecrated to her according to the Montfort consecration. On Sunday, September 26, 1948, the Virgin reiterated these wishes to the seer. "Tell the sisters to love one another," she said. "I am not asking you to do great things, as you might have hoped, because you are my little girls. Do not forget to consecrate yourselves to me on October 7th. Be good. I am Mary, Mediatrix of all graces." The following October 3rd, a "rain of rose petals" occurred again. On Friday, November 12, 1948, Teresita saw the Virgin after Mass. She said to her: "People don't believe my words." Our Lady replied: "Pray intensely, my daughters, because of persecutions. Pray for priests. What I ask in this place is the same thing I asked in Fatima. Do penance for those who do not believe. This is my last apparition here." People began hearing of cures, such as this young 8-year old girl, Melania Maria Sunga, whose right foot was deformed: her uncle, Edmundo Abaya (who became bishop of Laoag in 1992) rubbed the ailing foot with some water which had been set before the wooden statue of the Virgin inside her new chapel. On December 6, 1948, an official report was sent to Bishop A. Verzosa, of Lipa. The prelate blessed the place, appointed an investigatory commission, and declared that the Virgin was at the origin the "rain of petals."
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