October 3 - Our Lady of the Place (Italy, 1250)

Our Lady of Pontmain

Pontmain is a shrine of Our Lady, invoked under the title of Our Lady of Hope. In the darkest hours of the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871), Mary appeared to two boys (Eugene and Joseph Barbedette) as a lady dressed in a dark blue robe, sprinkled with stars, a crown on her head over a dark blue veil, and in her hands a red crucifix. 1) At Pontmain, Mary was a sign of hope in the midst of war. She spoke of her Son and renewed our hope. She invited us to joy and simplicity. 2) She gathered the whole parish around her, not only the two boys, but also the parish priest, the nuns and other inhabitants of the area. They said the evening prayer together and remained in prayer for over two hours. 3) The following message was transmitted to the two seers on a banner: "But pray, my children, God will answer before long. My Son will let himself be moved." 4) The large red crucifix was surmounted by a placard bearing the name of Jesus Christ.

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