May 2 - Our Lady of Oviedo (Spain, 711)

Consecration to Jesus through Mary (I)

Through the centuries Christians seeking most fully to know, love and serve God--Father, Son and Holy Spirit--have done so by consecrating their lives to Jesus through the Blessed Virgin Mary. This consecration, made in love and devotion, rests solidly on the theological truths that: - God has created the world to show forth and share the divine love, goodness and action with humans, created to this end in the divine image and likeness; - the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, through her spotless purity and total responsiveness to God's will was and is most capable of all humans of receiving and sharing in the divine grace, light, wisdom and power; - God--for the fullest accomplishment of the purpose of Creation in human persons, and in the world--has deigned to fill Mary with grace and to call her, with her assent, to a total human sharing in the divine action for the redemption and renewal of the fallen world.

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