In travelling the countryside or while you are crossing the street, driving your car, taking the subway, bedridden in the hospital or stuck in prison, don't forget to say your Rosary every day. Let the beads slip between your fingers; they also slip between the fingers of the Holy Father at the Vatican, those of a grandmother in Alaska, a child on a hill in Rwanda, a football player on a field in Rio, a Carthusian monk in his cell, a Carmelite in her cloister, or young evangelists on a mission ... The Rosary is the certainly the prayer of the poor and the small, the sick and the suffering, par excellence. Yes, always and everywhere; not only in space, but also in time. The latitudes of the planet and longitudes of history crisscross. The Hail Mary has moistened the lips of millions of all ages, races and nations. How many children learned it as their first prayer? How many of the dying whispered it as their ultimate testament? The Hail Mary is a synthesis of two first names: Mary and Jesus.
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