The truth is that Saint Joseph was a prince, a fine flower in the line of David, who acted with all the dignity of his royal filiations. He was a prince in keeping a noble attitude at the distressful moment when he had to find discernment about his future wife's pregnancy; a prince as he coped with the loss of his matrimonial and paternal projects; in showing such self-control by being at the same time respectful of a virginal pact and so able to keep incredible secrets to himself. Finally, he was a real prince when pressed to make serious decisions in order to save the lives of his loved ones. In our day and age where family bonds are dislocated by the unrestrained worship of the individual ego, where family ties are broken because of this individualistic virus, Prince Joseph offers a solid bench mark and an anchoring to those who do not choose to be sheep-like. Joseph is back. We were warned of his return by the place that Our Lady reserved for him in Fatima on October 17, 1917, during her majestic apparition: standing there next to his wife was her marvelous husband. She was dressed in the sun and he wore the red coat of a prince.
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