July 4 - Our Lady Refuge of Sinners

Mary at Lesotho (II)

While the catechist was preparing things for the baptism, the father asked the patient some questions to which she answered without hesitation. The missionary was very surprised to learn that she had spent some time with the children of the Christian village who had shared what they knew about God. Without delaying any further, the priest gave her the sacrament. When he spoke these words, "Mary, I baptize you..." a radiant joy lit up her face and a new force of life flowed through her. The priest took advantage of this betterment to ask her why she wanted to be baptized. She replied, "I had a dream: I saw a beautiful white lady wearing a belt the color of the sky. She smiled at me and kissed me lovingly. I wanted to get closer to her, but she said, 'Not now, but ask to be baptized by a Catholic priest and then I will come and get you.'" The priest was very much moved and he gave her a Miraculous Medal. "This is the lady! This is the one I saw!" said the dying girl. She kissed the medal with love, then, exhausted, she fell asleep. The priest blessed her and went back on his way. He wasn't far when the witches called to him, crying: "She has passed away."

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