January 22 - Eve of Our Lady's Espousals - Claire de Castelbajac (d. 1975)

Claire Died, Reciting the "Hail Mary"

On the morning of the day of her tenth birthday, October 2, 1963, despite feeling tired (she suffered from poor health), Claire de Castelbajac was anxious to go to Mass. That evening, she confided to her mother, "Do you know what I asked this morning? I asked to always remain pure, just like I was after my baptism." She made the habit of invoking the Blessed Virgin every morning when she first woke up. "O Immaculate Mary, I entrust to you my purity of heart. Guard it always." In 1975, she suddenly came down with viral meningoencephalitis, but she told her mother: "I'm so happy, that if I should die right now, I think I would go straight to heaven, because heaven is God's praise and I'm there already!" On January 17th, unconscious, she received the Sacrament of the Sick. On Sunday the 19th, while she seemed to be sleeping, all of a sudden she said, very clearly and very loudly: "Hail Mary, full of grace..." then stopped, exhausted. Her mother continued the prayer. At the end of every Hail Mary, Claire murmured, "and then... and then..." to make the Rosary continue. The evening of the 20th, she sank more and more into a deep coma. On Wednesday, January 22, 1975, at about five o'clock in the afternoon, she entered into the eternity to which God was calling her. She was 21 years and three months old. Today her intercession has proved to be amazingly powerful...

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