January 15 - Our Lady of Banneux (Belgium, 1933)

Prayer to Our Lady of the Poor

Virgin of the Poor, You came a long time ago, To this wild and lonely place And since you have never stopped coming, You entreat each of us You call to us on the path. You smile at us without the need for words You walk ahead of us You lead us into the woods, Where the wind whistles, Where the Spirit flows, Where water spouts from hidden lakes. Virgin of the Poor, we say thank you For coming time and again To relieve our loneliness And getting us back on the path, Dispelling our doubts and our anguish, And opening our hearts to the Beatitudes. Virgin of the Poor, Teach us to pray more, To believe without reservation, And shout from the mire that imprisons us Who are poor sinners, Prisoners of our comfort, So that we may open our doors, Open our borders, Open our hearts To the pleas of our Father And the distress of our brethren.

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