February 14 - Our Lady of Pellevoisin (France)

Your Letter Touched My Mother's Heart

In the year 1875, in Pellevoisin, France, Estelle Faguette, suffering from an incurable disease, wrote a letter to Mary and deposited it near one of her statues: "Oh my good Mother, here I am again kneeling at your feet. You can not refuse to hear me. You have not forgotten that I am your daughter and I love you. Allow me to recover, through your Divine Son, the health of my poor body for His glory. See the suffering of my parents; you know that they have only me to take care of them..." Our Lady appeared to Estelle and said, "I am all Mercy... Your good deeds and fervent prayers have touched my heart. I was especially moved by the short letter that you wrote to me in September. What touched me the most was this sentence: 'See the suffering of my parents if I pass away. They are on the brink of begging in the street. Remember how much you suffered when Jesus, your Son, was on the Cross.' I showed your letter to my Son. It's true, your parents need you." Estelle had the simplicity of writing to the Blessed Virgin to ask for her intercession. In "response" to that letter, Our Lady appeared to her fifteen times from February 14, 1876. On February 19th, after the fifth apparition, Estelle recovered...

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