Through her spotless purity, she was chosen as Queen by God himself, the Queen beloved of the Angels who reigns over the whole universe from the heights of heaven. By virtue of her title, "Mother of God," she is the Queen of the doctors of the Church. By the strength of her spirit, she is the Queen of martyrs. Through her justice and love, she is Queen of all the saints and the elect. Invested from the very beginning with the glorious and invigorating brightness of the Word (...), her loving and pure virgin soul penetrates the unfathomable mystery of Christ, whose virgin and spotless mother she is, with a gaze infinitely deeper and more divine than that of the Cherubim and Seraphim. After Jesus, her soul is the most loving and most beloved of the Father--and so she is showered in the most wondrous way with all heavenly favors. Beside her, all the Angels and Saints together are as nothing, for her sovereign presence fills earth and heaven.