O man, whoever you are, carried along by the tide of this world, tossed adrift among its storms and tempests, never take your eyes from the light of this star. When the winds of temptation are unleashed upon you, when you are washed up on the reefs of adversity, fix your eyes on the star, and call to Mary! If you are tossed on the waves of pride, ambition or jealousy, look at the star and cry out for Mary! If anger or greed or the beguiling charms of the flesh rock the vessel of your soul, gaze at Mary. When, racked by the enormity of your sins, ashamed that your conscience is sullied or in terror of the threat of judgment, you are swallowed up by the abyss of sorrow or plunged into the depths of despair, think of Mary. When you are in danger, distress or desperate situations, call for Mary, cry out to Mary! Oh, that her name may never leave your lips, may never leave your heart; never cease to imitate her life so that you may obtain the favor of her prayers. (...) And your own experience will show you the rightness of calling out that word: the name of the virgin was Mary!