April 24 - Our Lady of Bonaria (Sardinia, 1370)

The Two Servants (II)

Then the Mother of God presented Dominic to Our Blessed Lord. "I accept him," said the Son of God, "he will do very well and diligently all what you said." She then presented Blessed Francis and the Savior approved of him also. Blessed Dominic looked his companion over carefully during this vision, because they had never met before. The next day he saw a man in a church and recognized him as being the same man that he had seen during the night. He threw himself into his arms, and holding him on his heart, he kissed the saint with affection, saying: "You are my brother in arms; you will walk in step with me and the enemy will not prevail against us." He then told him about his vision and from that moment on, they shared one heart and one mind in God, and they recommended to their spiritual sons that they do the same among themselves, always, in all love and reverence. That simple gesture left an indelible wake on the ocean of the ages, and the two militias of beggars found in it the symbol of their eternal alliance. For this reason, the Patriarch of the Order of Preachers has his place among us and we also give him the title of Father.

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