April 22 - Our Lady of Betharam (Bearn, France, 1503)

If We Ignore the Mother, We Can't See the Child (II)

In my personal life, I've found the Blessed Mother to be a great intercessor, as she was at the wedding feast in Cana. (...) Some very misguided people try to claim that Catholics make a goddess of the Blessed Virgin. But that is an abominable fiction. As much as we exalt Mary above our own sinful selves, we recognize that she is more like us than she is like God. She is still a creature, though a most wonderful creature. God himself exalted her to show us both the greatness of our human nature and the all-surpassing greatness of divine grace. (...) Even the early Protestant reformers never called for a wholesale rejection of the Marian dogmas. Luther and Calvin believed, for example, in Mary's perpetual virginity. Luther even believed in the Assumption and the Immaculate Conception, centuries before the Church solemnly defined it. Not until later generations would Christians come to such a far-reaching rejection of Mary's place in salvation history. In fact, the roots of Marian devotion go back to the Old Testament.

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