October 9 - Blessed Virgin Efesina (Russia, 988)

The Messenger of the Mother of God (II)

Finally the car stopped in front of house with bright lights on inside.. The driver left his seat, opened the door nervously and said, “Hurry, go in quickly, doctor, my child is dying.” As a result, Dr. Granpas understood the driver’s strange behavior. He had been afraid for his child and afraid of arriving too late. He entered the house where a young woman was anxiously bending over the cradle of a little child, just a few months’ old, who was twisting in convulsions. “Get my trunk, quickly!” No sooner said than done! Using all his medical skills and all he had at his disposal, the doctor tried to calm the small body. And then, he awaited the result of his intervention. The father managed to speak a word. Through his sobs, he apologized for “kidnapping” the doctor at such a late hour in the night. Of course, the doctor would have preferred to return to his home. “You see, doctor, I had already called three doctors that I know of, but all the three were out. I was so sad, but I had to leave my child to do the night shift. When I saw you, I only had one idea in my despair: I was going to save my child,” said the father earnestly. “Yes, but how did you know that I was a doctor?” “I saw it written on your trunk,” he replied. “Ah, that’s true, I hadn’t thought of that,” said the doctor with a sigh. The mother interrupted their conversation and said, “I don’t know if you are a believer, but when you came in the room, I was just finishing the “Memorare” recited with all my heart.” Then, smiling, the doctor drew his rosary out of his pocket. “Here, this is the weapon I used during the insane drive I had in your husband’s taxi as I thought was going to end up in a trap,” admitted the doctor. “You are the messenger of the Mother of God,” said the mother, obviously moved.

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