March 25 - Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord to Our Lady

The Annunciation

The Angel Gabriel descended, bathed in heavenly light. The light enveloped the Virgin, and the Angel was clothed in raiment of unimaginable and incomparable brilliance. When her eyes saw the light, she rose, fearfully. But when she looked at the Angel, she saw her chastity mirrored in his face. She stood there modestly, ready to listen attentively and alert in every fibre of her being. Then the Angel greeted her and told her of God’s will; his words warmed the Virgin’s heart, crowding in on her senses and setting her spirit afire. Yet her modesty as a virgin and her love for God urged her to seek an explanation. When she was given the news, her heart opened, full of desire to serve the Lord; then she knelt and said: You see before you the Lord’s servant, let it happen to me as you have said. Then the Trinity, in all of its Divine Power, goodwill for mankind and the nobility of the Holy Spirit entered her virgin body.

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