June 25 - Our Lady of Graces (Forli, Italy, 1548)

Scientific Examination of the Visionaries of Medjugorje in Ecstasy (II)

The electro-oculograms carried out on the same visionaries also show very astonishing results: the electrodes placed near the corners of the eyes make it possible to follow the movements (voluntary or not) of the ocular spheres. The study was carried out at the same time with two of the young people (Maria and Ivan). Various usual jerks in the waking state (even when one decides to fix his attention) stop almost simultaneously at the beginning of the ecstasy. These slight movements begin again at the end of the vision. This result underlines that the power behind the fixed stare is greater than personal will. The simultaneity is also remarkable: the apparition begins and finishes at the same time for all. And the simultaneities are worthy of notice: they all kneel suddenly at the same time, according to the methodical study made by Mrs. Joyeux, under the direction of Professor Henri Joyeux. The synchrony sometimes falls on exactly the same fraction of a second, which contributes to exclude any possibility of an external signal. They recite from the third word of our Father “who art in Heaven”, that they continue to recite with the Virgin until the end of the Lord's Prayer. Someone once asked them, “Why you don't you recite the first two words: 'Our Father'?” The visionaries replied, “The Gospa starts the prayer and we join in with her”. In conclusion, these facts seem to confirm that a cause outside the visionaries (and invisible to observers) starts these various phases of the ecstasy, which has no psychological or neurological explanation. This study in Medjugorje is extraordinary and undoubtedly constitutes an important medical case concerning religious ecstasy. Neurology is simply confounded by these unexplainable reports.

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