June 17 - Our Lady of the Forest (Brittany, France, 1419)

A Miracle in Bogota

Brother Araguen, a catechist teaching in the thick jungles south of Bogota, was suffering from tongue cancer and taken to the city for an operation. He dearly hoped to save his tongue so that he could continue his work. The doctors began by doing only a partial ablation, but the cancer developed and appeared to require a total ablation. The night before the operation, Our Lady appeared to the brother and touched him. He was cured immediately. “Continue teaching catechism,” she said, “and recite the Rosary with the children. Do not tell anybody about what has happened until you have spoken to the doctor.” The next morning, the brother refused to be anaesthetized, so the doctor was called in, who spoke to him about the importance of prolonging his life, even at the price of losing his tongue. But the brother explained to him that the cancer had disappeared and the doctor noted that the excised part of the tongue had been entirely and perfectly reconstituted… A bronze plate at the Jesuit College in Bogota commemorates this event and Brother Araguen lived many more years, singing the praises of Our Lady and extolling the power and the importance of the Rosary, while teaching catechism to children.

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