June 7 - Feast of Our Lady of Marienthal (Germany, 13th C.)

The Queen Mother of the Church

The Lord allowed me to see that if we look in the Bible we have Mother Mary as a perfect example. The Lord exalted her. He allowed me to see that she was truly the Queen Mother of the Church. In Revelation, just as in Jewish custom, she was the one who was crowned. She was assumed into heaven to sit on the throne next to her Son. As I learned to pray the Rosary, at first I couldn’t understand why I felt such great peace. Then I began to realize that when you are in the presence of people who have given their lives totally over to God, they exhibit great peace. I believe because Mary gave herself over so completely to God to be used totally for His will that she was filled with God’s peace even unto the moment of His death. Now, as I pray the Rosary, I believe the peace I feel is due to the presence of Mother Mary. Who else could be such a perfect Mother as Mary? Testimony by Donna Jones

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