July 8 - Our Lady of Kazan (Russia)

Fight Against Death With a Hail Mary (III)

There were four of us around the dying child. The doctor took the child’s pulse as her heartbeat became almost imperceptible. Suddenly, we thought we heard someone breathing in the room; we had the impression of a vivifying presence, but there was nothing visible, just the strange certainty of a supernatural intervention. I called my husband and told him if he believed in God to start praying the ‘Hail Mary’, because it all seemed to be over. My husband joined his hands in prayer without saying anything. Then suddenly, the child awoke and her body looked human again; her contracted arms and legs slackened, positioning themselves back into their natural angle. Her eyes opened full of life and the doctor, without taking his hand off her wrist, exclaimed: “It’s a miracle! It’s a miracle! She has come back to life! She’s alive!” Earlier when the convulsions first began, I went to fetch a statuette of the Virgin from the neighbor’s house, and I had placed under the nape of my child’s neck. Now the crisis was over. The almost dead child was on the road to recovery. Since that experience, a statue of Our Lady is always on display in our living room. Of course, I left the sect and, little by little, I found my way back to the Catholic Church and the true faith in which I now raise my children. I have learned to appreciate the benefits of the Rosary, especially now that I have become familiar with the mysteries of the Rosary. I would like to cry out and tell everyone about the power of the Mother of God and about the impact the ‘Hail Mary’ has on her maternal heart that has suffered so much. Her heart is so powerful at helping our distress! A grateful mother.

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