January 11 - Our Lady of Bessiere (Limousin, France)

A Young Girl’s Heroism

A girl accidentally got sand in her eyes while playing and this caused her eyes to become severely infected. Doctors tried several operations without success... The father took his child to see a famous ophthalmologist in Sweden, but to no end. Her sight went from bad to worse, so much so that the young girl could not see almost anything any more. On their way home from Sweden, the father, an atheist, and his child, brought up as a Christian by her mother, stopped at Czestochowa, Poland. At 6:00 in the morning, they went to the sanctuary to pray in front of the Black Madonna. After the first mass, the father asked, "Did the Madonna cure you?" The child answered him, "I told the Blessed Virgin that I do not ask for my sight back, but I asked that you, Daddy, kneel beside us when we pray together." The father was so moved when he heard his daughter’s words that he began to cry. When he managed to find his wits again, he hurriedly asked a priest to confess him.

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