February 28 - Eleventh Apparition at Lourdes (France, 1858)

Our Lady’s Messenger (I)

Why does the evangelist specify names in such detail at the Annunciation? Undoubtedly, it is because he wants us to pay the same amount of attention to his story that he himself accords. Indeed, he introduces us to the Lord who sent the message, the Virgin to whom it is sent and the Virgin’s fiancé, using precise details by stating the family name, the city and the country of origin. Why does he say all this? Does he speak without reason? Heaven preserve us to believe so, because in truth a leaf does not fall from a tree, nor does a sparrow in the sky fall to the ground without our Father knowing (Mt 10: 31). I cannot believe that one useless word could ever fall from the mouth of an evangelist, especially while telling the story of the Holy Word. No, I cannot believe that. These details are filled with divine mysteries and overflow with celestial sweetness. If they find a diligent listener who is able to savor the honey running out of rock, and taste the excellent oil that collects among the rocky ground.

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