February 24 - Plague ends after Pope St Gregory the Great leads procession with a painting by St Luke of Our Lady (Rome, 591)

Seat of Wisdom (II)

When the appearance of the angel bursts into her life and the first Ave Maria resounds, she is disturbed. What is the meaning of this message? What is this message? If he speaks the truth, if he really comes from God, his words must not be in opposition to her purpose of remaining a virgin, a plan which God Himself had inspired in her. "’But how can this come about, since I have no knowledge of man?’ The angel answered, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow.’” (Lk 1: 34-35). Sure that it is God calling her, she agrees with these words, and thus gives all creation an admirable dignity, and admirably restores all mankind: “You see before you the Lord’s servant, let it happen to me as you have said.” (Lk 1: 38). She was now the Mother of God. She knew the prophets well enough to know what awaited her. The first sounds of the Stabat Mater echoed within her.

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