February 23 - Our Lady of the Rocks (Spain, 434)

Seat of Wisdom (I)

Before the Annunciation, Mary had already given herself entirely to God. She is an offering, giving herself completely, she is poor, and she waits. But she is still unaware to what extent the words of the Song of Songs will be carried out: "I belong to my love, and his desire is for me” (Sg 7:11). She undoubtedly knew the Scriptures by heart; she understood their secret meaning, the Christocentric orientation of each word, where the burning breath of the Spirit consumes all the impure dross of humanity to which the gestures of God are entrusted. She seeks a Presence and she finds a Person, in whom all hope is contained. Her heart beats only in this call, "The young woman is with child and will give birth to a son" (Is 7:14). She never thought that there would be any question of her. His glance had only one direction in which He never renounced. Her glance was simple: she never looked at herself.

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