February 22 - Saint Isabel of France (+1270), foundress of the Monastery of the Humility of the Blessed Virgin (monasterium humilitatis beatae Mariae virginis).

The Church is the Spouse Born from Christ’s Side, like Eve was Born from Adam’s Side

In Plock, Poland, on the 22nd of February, 1931, Jesus appeared to Sister Faustina, dressed in white, one of his hands raised to bless her and the other pressed on his chest. The half-opened tunic let two rays escape: one white and one red. The nun looked at Jesus in silence and heard Him utter this request, "You must do a painting following this model, with the invocation: Jesus, I trust in You. At first, I would like this image to be venerated in your chapel and then throughout the whole world. I make this promise: the heart that venerates this image will not perish." The two rays represent the water and the blood that gushed out of Jesus’ side with the blow of the lance on Calvary. "This water and this blood were the symbols of Baptism and the Eucharist. The Church was born from these two sacraments, from this bath of rebirth and regeneration in the Holy Spirit. The symbols of Baptism and the Eucharist come out of my side.” Consequently, from His side, Christ formed the Church, like He formed Eve from Adam’s side... He took from Adam’s side what He needed to make the woman. Thus Christ gave us the blood and the water from His side to make the Church. Just as the extraction happened to Adam in an ecstasy of deep sleep, it is only after Christ’s own death that He delivered the blood and the water to us. His death was what Adam’s ecstasy had been, in order that you know from now that death is nothing any more than deep sleep."

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