February 18 - Saint Bernadette Soubirous (+ 1879)

Investigation into the Blessed Virgin (I)

You find yourself in a small police station. This evening the inspector will go home late, due to an investigation into the Blessed Virgin. A handful of children wait on a bench, which hundreds of other clothed bottoms have varnished to a shine. They appear as witnesses, unhandcuffed. Clerk, please call… Miss Melanie, from La Salette... Fifteen years old, shepherdess and slattern, her arms are too long, her face looks slightly crabby. We are listening to you. The sight of the Blessed Virgin was true paradise. She had in her own self all that could satisfy, and the earth was forgotten. Her ugly face, like a sulky goat, lit up illuminated when she spoke those words. Clerk, please call… Miss Lucia, from Fatima... Ten years old, large flat nose, thick lips, wild jaw. She makes a grimace when the light shines on her face. The Blessed Virgin was brighter than the sun, clearer than a crystal glass, full of water, transpierced by the sun. Her black eyes seem to quiver and shake when she spoke about Mary.

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