February 14 - Pellevoisin 1st Apparition (France, 1876)

Our Loving Mother of Mercy (II)

The second part of the apparitions in Pellevoisin began on the 1st of July 1876. At 10:15 p.m., as Estelle kneeled saying her evening prayers, she suddenly saw the Blessed Virgin completely surrounded by light. She was dressed in white. She looked ahead, her hands crossed over her chest and smiled, saying, “Stay calm my child. Be patient, it will be difficult for you, but I am with you. Be brave, I shall return.” Then she disappeared. The third part began on September 9th. For several days, Estelle had felt an urge to return to the bedroom where she had been cured. At long last on this day she was able to do so. She had just finished reciting her rosary when the Blessed Virgin came to her. Mary looked around in silence before speaking, and then she said, “You deprived yourself of my visit on August 15th because you were not calm enough. You have a real French character - they want to know everything before learning, and understand everything before knowing…”

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