February 12 - Our Lady of Argenteuil (Paris, 511)

How Could an Unbeliever Persevere in His Disbelief? (II)

“What is the inner meaning of these miraculous occurrences in God’s plan? It seems that through these occurrences, God wants to respond to modern incredulity in a radical way. How could an unbeliever persevere in his disbelief in good faith in front of these facts?(...) “Shouldn't these facts bring us back to venerating the Mother of God in the Evangelical Church? Isn’t this indisputable proof of the role that Mary has to play for our salvation today?(...) “Today, in most countries, the existence of Christianity is in danger. It would be total unconsciousness to ignore God’s voice as He tries to speak to the world, via Mary, and turn our backs on her only because He makes her voice heard in the Catholic Church.(...) “Moreover, it is interesting to note that the Mother of God was not pushed out of the Reformed Church, but she was driven out only after the Thirty Years War and by the rationalistic philosophers of the 18th century. By stifling the devotion of the Blessed Virgin in the heart of Protestants, they have destroyed the most delicate feelings of Christian piety.”

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