February 2 - Purification of Our Lady (First celebrated in 544)

This is the Time When Mary, Virgin and Queen, Came to the Temple with Her Son

It was the day of the Purification of the Virgin. I was in Foligno, in the church of the Minor Brothers. I heard a voice speaking to me, "This is the time when Mary, Virgin and Queen, came to the temple with her Son." I listened with great love in my soul. And having listened, I was charmed. Then, in my rapture I saw the Queen enter, and I went up to her, trembling with respect. Suddenly I hesitated; I was afraid to go any closer. She reassured me and held Jesus out to me. She said, "You love my Son, so take the One that you love." She placed Him in my arms. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes. His eyes were closed as if in sleep. The Queen sat down, as though she were very tired. Her gestures were so beautiful, her attitude was so marvellous, her entire person so noble and the sight of her was so sublime that my eyes could not remain fixed on Jesus alone, and were forced to look at His mother as well. Suddenly the child awoke in my arms, his clothes had come loose. Jesus opened His eyes and looked at me. His glance absolutely overwhelmed me. Splendor came out from His eyes and His joy shone like a blinding flame. Then He appeared to me in His unutterable and immense majesty, and He said to me, "The one who has not seen me small will not see me great." He added: "I came to you, and I give myself to you so that you offer yourself to me."

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